A simple straightforward case where there are maybe one or two bank/investment accounts and a property would be charged at between £1200.00 to £1500.00 plus VAT. This would be for obtaining a grant of probate or letters of administration. Full administration of the Estate would add a possible £500.00 to these costs. 
The disbursements involved on a simple case would normally be as follows:- 
Probate Fee – currently: £273.00 – this would produce one grant or letter of administration. Subsequent copies which may be needed for finance sources that require original copies would currently cost £1.50 each. 
Asset Search – this may be required if the Executors or Personal Representatives or Claimants are uncertain of the financial status of the deceased. 
Publicity/advertisement – this may be required if it is uncertain if there may be more claimants on the Estate than known by the Personal Representative concerned. Costs for this service would vary but could be between £200.00 to £500.00 depending on the necessary information to be given. 
Land Registry Office copies – £3.00. It is usual to obtain office copies if appropriate where there is a property that was owned by the deceased. 
Anti-Money Laundering searches – £7.00. This is to check your Identity. 
Postage for documents to Probate Registry – usually in the region of £6.85 to £13.70 
The Services offered by Britton & Co Would normally involve the following:- 
Initial meeting with Executors or Personal Representatives which would involve collating information and obtaining all relevant documents from said Executor/Personal Representatives and completion of a fact finding form to insure all relevant information is gathered. Taking instructions from the client at to what involvement they would wish to have in the matter and whether any of the Executors would wish to renounce or reserve powers. Likely costs would also be discussed. 
The sending out of a client instruction letter so the client is aware of what Britton & Co is undertaking for them and a note of our hourly costs for work involved. This would also include likely total costs if a fixed fee has been agreed with the client. 
Instruction Probate valuation of property if appropriate. 
Letters would be sent out to the various financial institutions notifying them of the death and asking for details of any accounts and the balances of these accounts as of the date of death. 
Instructions to various agencies for searches etc. 
Land Registry office copies obtained to check ownership of property if applicable. 
Preparing a Provisional Summary of Estate as a statement of all assets and liabilities. 
Entering the case onto the Probate Registry Portal and printing off the Legal Statement for Executors or Personal Representatives to sign. 
Sending all necessary documents to the Probate Registry for processing. 
Dealing with all enquiries coming back from probate office. 
Receiving and notifying client of arrival of Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration. 
If instructed to continue with the administration of the Estate then deceased’s accounts would be closed at the various financial institutions and funds gathered to our client account. 
Distribution of the Estate. 
The timescale for obtaining a Grant or fully administering a deceased Estate can vary generally between six months to two years depending on the complexity of the Estate. This may have no bearing on the size of the Estate. Some small Estates can be vastly more complicated than some larger Estates with very few large assets or liabilities.